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OITTINEN (ex Seppälä, born Oittinen) Tytti Maija Elisa


Date and place of birth: 12.2.1945 Helsinki, Finland




Graduated from Oulun Normaalilyseo 1963

Bachelor of Arts, Helsinki University 1968

Theatre degree (directing), Academy Dep. of Finnish Theatre School, 1970

Master of Arts, Helsinki University 1975

Licenciate of Arts (corresponds to Ph.D. or M.Phil.), Helsinki University 1977

Various continuing education courses in Finland and abroad.




Finnish (mothertongue), Swedish, German, French, English, Norwegian


Pro execitio examinations in English, German and Latin, Helsinki University

Certificate of good knowledge in English, Helsinki University 1974

Certficate of satisfactory knowledge in French, Helsinki University 1975

State certificate of good knowledge (written and spoken) in Swedish 1989




Helsinki City Theatre 1968-69, assistant in directing

KOM-teatteri 1971-73, director, dramaturge, actor, administration

Ryhmäteatteri 1970, visiting director, 1973-74 artistic director 

Helsinki University 1975, assistant teacher in Literature and Esthetics

Nordic Theatre Committee, General Secretary 1980-83

Theatre Academy, Head of Continuing Education Centre 1987-89

Espoo Theatre, artistic director 1989-94

Helsinki Institute of Art and Media, 1997-2001, lecturing teacher





Garson, Lauri Sipari, Tytti Oittinen: MacBird II, Helsinki Student Theatre 1968

Love Thy Neighbour or 10 New Commandments, a Church Cabaret, Helsinki Student Theatre 1969

Pekkarinen (adapt. L.Sipari-T.Oittinen): Kaunis Veera, Helsinki Student Theatre 1969

The Nazarethian (Final production for Acting and Directing students), Tikapuuteatteri (Theatre Academy) 1970

L.Sipari-T.Oittinen-T.Virkki: Sven Tuuva, Ryhmäteatteri, Viapori Summer Theatre 1970

L.Sipari-T.Oittinen: Suomen kuningas, KOM-teatteri, Viapori Summer Theatre 1971

L.Sipari-T.Oittinen: Armistice, KOM-teatteri 1972

Mrs Jotuni's Tales, Ryhmäteatteri 1972

Keep on going, Soviet Country, Ryhmäteatteri 1973

L. Sipari: Summer in Aunus, Ryhmäteatteri, Viapori Summer Theatre 1973

Isidor Stok: Divina Commedia, Ryhmäteatteri 1973

L. Sipari: -06, Ryhmäteatteri, Viapori Summer Thteare 1974

A. Ostrovski: En svindlers dagbok, Telemark Teater, Norway 1977

O. Dragun: Tre historier å fortelle, Telemark teater, Norway 1977

A. Miller: Noitavaino (The Crucible), Tikapuuteatteri (Theatre Academy), model production 1977-78

A. Ostrovski: Klugsein schutzt vor Torheit nicht, Friedrich Wolf Theater, Neustrelitz, GDR, 1978

M. Gorki: Småborgare (Petit Bourgeois), Tikapuuteatteri (Theatre Academy), Swedish model production 1979

M. Gorki: Småborgarar, final production of Acting students, Statens Teaterskole, Oslo, Norway 1979  

M. Waltari: Omena putoaa, Helsinki Summer Theatre, 1979

E. Ionesco: Jeux de massacre, Trondelag Teater, Norway 1982

V. Andersen: Siskonpeti, Theatre group Musta Leski, 1982

T. Idström: Den Stora Magiska Varietén, Swedish Theatre, Helsinki 1983

P.Jaakola: Kasi puol (8½), TG Musta Leski, 1983-84

R.D. MacDonald: Huipputapaaminen (The Summit Conference), TG Musta Leski, 1984

Dumas-Mankell-Oittinen: De Tre Musketörerna (The Three Musketeers), Kronobergsteatern, Sweden 1985

A. Ostrovski: Rahalla saa , Lahti City Theatre 1985

Kullman-Stjerne: Stridshästen, Dalateatern, Sweden 1986

T. Williams: Den tatuerade rosen (The Rose Tattoo), Wasa Teater 1986

Helakisa-Oittinen: Ainakin miljoona sinistä kissaa, Lahti City Theatre 1987-89

Harald Mueller: Lautta (The Death Ferry), Espoo Theatre 1989

Theatresports - improvised theatre, Espoo Theatre 1990-90

M.Duras: Hiroshima mon amour, Espoo Theatre 1991-92

A.Suhola: Musta morsian elämän täydessä puvussa, one-woman musical with Ritva Oksanen 1991-94

H. Ibsen: Nukkekoti (A Doll's House), Espo Theatre 1992-94

A.Suhola: Korva elämän kyljessä, monologue for Ritva Oksanen, Espoo Theatre 1992

L.Carroll-M. Voipio: Liisa peilimaassa (Through the Looking Glass), Espoo Theatre 1993

A. Fugard: Piilopaikka (A Place with Pigs), Espoo Theatre 1993

Theatresports - improvised theatre, Kotka City Theatre 1994

A. Chechov: Kolme sisarta (Three sisters), Espoo Theatre 1994

W. Shakespeare: Kesäyön uni ( A Midsummer Night's Dream), Oulu City Theatre 1995

M. Norman: Hyvää yötä, äiti (Good Night, Mother) Pori Theatre 1995

A. Chechov: Kirsikkapuisto (Cherry Orchard) Kotka City Theatre 1995

M. Jotuni: Kultainen vasikka (The Golden Calf), Pori Theatre 1996

W. Shakespeare: Myrsky (The Storm) Kuopio City Theatre 1996


In addition various productions for radio theatre, TV- and videodocumentations of theatre productions, dramaturgical adaptations, as well as acting 1966-73 (Helsinki Student Theatre, KOM-teatteri) and choreographies for dance and fights in amateur and professional theatres 1966-71.  





Improvisation, creative and interactive education

- assistant teacher to Keith Johnstone (professor of Drama Dep., Calgary University, creator of Theatresports) on courses in Finland 1990 and 1991

- teaching impro- and theatresports methods and leading a group of actors investigating improvised theatre, coaching the group Stella Polaris into performances (Theatresports, Life Game, Out of the Sleeve and Out of the Hat, Jump into the Unknown, Off Limits)

- acting assistant teacher to Nordic teachers of improvised theatre on various courses organized by Stella Polaris

- teaching improvisation methods, performance and interactive skills in various courses, ie

Savonlinna City Theatre (1992), Hämeenlinna City Theatre (1991,1992), Kotka City Theatre (1994), Turku Polytechnic, Dep. of Art and Media, visiting teacher (1994, 1995), Helsinki Institute of Art and Media, teacher (1995, 1995), adult education (1997), 

Continuing Education Centre of Theatre Academy: special course (1994),  theatre and drama teachers (1995), improvisation for Stand up -artists (1997-98)

Theatre Academy: Acting Dep. (1996, 1997, 1998), Swedish Acting Dep. (1997), Directing and Dramaturgy Dep. (1997), Music Theatre Training (1998)

In addition teaching and lecturing for amateur theatre activists, and other professional groups (child psychiatrists, teachers, social and health workers, youthpastors, journalists etc.)

Initiating the first improvisation theatre for professional actors in Vilnius in Lithuania, co-operation with Lithuanian International Theatre Festival LIFE 1997-98

Organizing the ”Nordic Master Classes in Improvised Theatre” for the Nordic Theatre Meeting 1998 in Tampere.  The workshops were lead by the group True Fiction Magazine from San Francisco and combined with their full-lenght improvised drama performances in Tampere International Theatre Festival August1998.





Suomen Teatterikoulu (Theatre Academy) 1970-77

- directing (basics, history, professional skills, exercises, small productions), stage expression, modern drama and theatre, dramaturgy, reading drama and theatre

- directing final productions and modelproductions (see artistic work) 1977-78

- leader and main teacher of Continuing Education Course for Actors (10 weeks), 1978


Helsinki University, seminars and lectures 1974-75 (see occupations)


Svenska Teaterskolan (Swedish Theatre School), teacher and lecturer 1973-79

- theatre history, model production 1978-79 (see artistic work)


Statens Teaterskole, Oslo 1979

- model production (see artistic work)


University of Industrial and Applied Arts, Dep. of Costume Design, visiting lecturer 1981-85

- analysing drama to form a common vision of directing, stage setting and costume design.  


YLE:n ammattiopisto (Finnish Broadcasting Corporation), visiting lecturer 1983-84


Theatre Academy, Dep. of Light and Sound Design, planning and initiating the study program, lecturer 1986-88


Continuing Education Centre of the Theatre Academy,

as planner, assistant, visiting lecturer, teacher, consultant 1983-84, 1986-88, 1992, 1993


Helsinki University, Continuing Education Unit in Lahti, visiting lecturer 1985


Dramatiska Institutet i Stockholm, visiting lecturer 1978, 1980, 1982


AOF i Ostfold, Skiptvet, Norway, workshops in improvisation, stage expression, street theatre, clowning, theatre work; intensive summercourses in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995


Helsinki Institute of Art and Media, planning, consultation, teaching directing, drama analysis etc 1995, 1997-





Suomalaisen työväenteatteritoiminnan aatteelliset ja käytännölliset tavoitteet, niiden muotoutuminen ja toteutuminen Työväen Näyttämöiden Liiton toiminnassa vv 1920-1970 (Ideological and practical goals of Finnish workers' theatre activities, and their forming and realization in The Workers Theatre Union during the years 1920-1970),  Licenciate Study, Helsinki University 1976


Työväen teatteritaiteen lipunkantajat (The Bannerbearers of Finnish Working Class Theatre), article published in Kiila Album 10, Helsinki 1977


'Suuri Linja'- suomalaisen työväenteatteriliikkeen vaiheista ja merkityksestä (On the history and importance of the Finnish working class theatre movement), Teatteritiedon perusteet, TNL-TSL opintojulkaisu, Vaasa 1978


Born og teater i Norden (Children and Theatre in the Nordic Countries) ed. Peter Duelund and Tytti Oittinen, published by Nordisk Ministerråd, Copenhagen 1982


Introduction to Keith Johnstone's Impro (Finnish version), published by the Theatre Academy, Helsinki University Press 1996


Translations of plays, ie Kado Kotzer: Säädyllistä elämää (Decent Life), Drama Corner

Vita Andersen: Kannibaalit (Cannibals), Drama Corner


In addition some articles and translations for Kulttuurivihkot and Teatteri magazines.





State Central Committee for the Arts, 1970, grant for the production of the performance 'Sven Tuuva'


State Central Committee for the Arts, 197?, grant for initiating the study of workers' theatre activities in Finland


State Drama Award, 1970 for the play 'Sven Tuuva'


State Central Committee for the Arts, 1971, grant for the production of the performance 'Suomen kuningas'

Helsinki City Award for Literature and Arts, 1975


State Central Committee for the Arts, grants 1982, 1983 and 1984 for the production of a performance based on Vita Andersens texts and two productions of TG Musta leski


State Artists Scholarship for 1 year, 1994


Scholarship of the Finnish-Swedish Cultural Foundation 1995


Scholarship of the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation 1995


Nordic Cultural Foundation, grant for initiating the impro theatre with professional actors in Lithuania, 1997





German Democratic Republic, Guest grant of the Ministry of Education (1975)

Paris, France (1975)

Poland, Guest grant of the Ministry of Education (1976)

Denmark, Guest Grant of the Finnish-Danish Cultural Foundation (1983)

Barcelona, Spain, ITI Guest grant for international theatre congress (1985)

USA, invited by the USIS International Visitor's Program (1989)

Calgary, Canada, The 5th International Improvisation School (1993), The 7th International Improvisation School (1995)

London, Manchester, GB, invited by the British Council (1993)

Czech, exchange of the ITI Centre (1993)

Sweden (Stockholm, Svenska Teaterbiennalen/Malmö, Korsväg/ISTA/Umeå), grant of the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Foundation (1995)


The main task as General Secretary of the Nordic Theatre Committee was organizing seminars, courses and congresses for Nordic theatre professionals, which implied extensive travelling. The work as Director of the Continuing Education Centre of the Theatre Academy as well as leading the Espoo Theatre also included constant travelling to seminars, congresses and festivals. Here a sample:

Nordic Theatre Days incl. meetings of Nordic Theatre Union in Stenungsund (1980), Reykjavik (1982), Helsinki (1988), Stockholm (1990),

Stanislavski Symposium, Moscow (1982)

Festival of Fools (1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985)

Copenhagen International Theatre Festival (1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990)

IETM-meetings and congresses in Salzburg (1987), Zagreb (1990), Genève (1992), Stockholm (1993), Tallinn (1993), Manchester (1993)

Visits to New York (1990), Paris (1990, 1991, 1992, 1993), Avignon (1989, 1991, 1992), Roy Hart Theatre Institute of Human Voice, Malérargues (1989, 1991, 1992)

In addition private study travels have included several visits to Paris and the rest of France, Berlin, Bonn, London, Amsterdam, Mexico, China, Moscow, Leningrad/St Petersburg, Portugal, and all Nordic countries.


In the Improvisation theatre and Theatresports field international contacts have also been necessary : The International Improvisation School in Calgary (1993, 1995), the Just for Laughs Festival in Montréal (1995), The Nordic and International Theatresports Festivals in Stockholm (1990), in Oslo (1991), in Espoo (organizer, 1994), in Amsterdam (1996), in Vilna (1997) and in San Fransisco/Bay Area Theatresports, True Fiction Magazine (1997).





Improvisation Theatre Stella Polaris - theatresports TM Finland ry, chair of the board 1991-1998

Nordic Theatredirectors Council (NSIR), chairperson 1997 -

Finnish Theatredirectors Union, member of the board and the working groups for education and international affairs 1997 -